
thank goodness

for best friends, tarot cards, shmoddy shmots, big vans, big plans, ruined plans, laughing about aforementioned plans, meaty pizzas, being a bitch about EVERYONE, hating cockblockers, haterade ...

that sums up my night.
& a little help from my friends.

HAHAHA. btw, i'm cuter. and he said so; he'd much rather chill w/me -- but whatever -- life goes on :) haha, its even better when you've listed in your head 2 boys you'd go to turnabout with, but they've both been asked, only to find out they'd rather be going with you bcuz you're fun and one of their good friends. HAHAHA. i love my life.

... *starts walking away & singing*
"i'm sorry if i stole your [boy];
i'm sorry if [he] likes me more than [he] ever liked you --
[he] never liked you --
i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry if i stole you [boy]"