

walking on aaaair; listening to love soooongs; laughing for no reasonnnn....
baby, baby, you got me.

goood day. late starts are always a plus :) mainly because teachers have no idea what to do with the day because apparently, ten minutes taken from their schedules are SO epic :)

algebra II was easayyyy.
spanish IV was laaaame, as always.
creative writing was the best class ever -- no work. at all ;)
us history was, well, easy.
p.e. was gooood.
american lit was so friggen easy.
human gen was kinda fun.
therefore, my day rocked (if you forget the fact that i left my phone in the same spot i left it in two weeks ago; lol).

things are finally finally looking up, to be utterly honest. ever since i decided to let go. and you can think of one or two things i may have "let go," but honestly, i've let go of EVERYTHING. because if it ain't growing with me, shiettt, i'll grow without it.

oh, if you're absolutely DYING to know: my car is a '92 Sable that's purple. PURPLE IS THE SICKEST COLOR! :) it just needs work -- oh, and a driver with a license (which will be meeee!)

attempting to keep my father away from my computer. he's used it to its limits this week. and i had to half-ass a paper for us history (does it matter if i'm getting 100% in that class?)

can i declare that i'm officially STOKED for the football game friday? a) because my best frienddddd, rio, is coming alonggg; b) asldfjladsjfas !

also, as a ending thought, i wish T.I. would come rescue me from Pizza Hell and gimme "whatever i like." ;) yeah, T.I. AND Soulja Boy! TOGETHER. mmmmm ;)