
gooood life

MMMM, yeahh, boss called as I was getting ready for work and said, "It's really slow today, so I was thinking that you don't have to come in!" [yayayayay!] Meaning I'm going to bed eaaaarly tonight, this way, I can wake up feeling pretty good. (sorry late-night callers -- I'm gonna be sleeeeping for once).

As of late, everything seems to be going in my direction (if you disregard the lack of sleep and such events). I bought my xBox 360. OHHH YES I DID! Oh, and I found out that I may be getting a carrrrr. I don't even have a license. Hehe.

Still looking for a homecoming date ;) But definitely have someone in mind, who, I hope, has me in mind as well. Because I'm not about to say yes to any chump that can put on a dress shirt and call himself my "date." I do have standards.

Friday night, Rio's cominggg :) and we're gonna go hit up the game and watch some boyyys. OH. and Saturday -- dress shopping and such. such such such. with cute sailors on the premises ;)

Off to shower, then do homework, then play some xBox -- in bed by 10:30 kthnx. <33