so, no school today -- didn't get much accomplished other than ordering a boutonnieres (damn these french words) -- shit, you know, those flower things you attempt not to stab into your date's nipple? yeah, those. and bought a new hoodie. with fur in the hood. HELL TO THE YESS.
mmmm, went to the mall, and took pictures. asdfghjkl; i really went to get a little purse for saturday night -- but didn't buy jack shit. i guess i'll go with my mommy tomorrow; she tends to get things done {and pay at least half}.
favorite part of today: "are you filipino? like, you mixxed, right?"..."yeah i am"...."daaamn, girl, you got the body of a black girl and the face of an angel!"
fortune cookie said: "your choices at the moment will be good ones. trust yourself." well, i made a bigbigBIG; choice today. stayinTRUE;
yeah, gonna go do some HOMOwork. sorry if i offend you, but hey, nobody asked you to read this shit. &+ i'm in bad mood omega. too much shit on my mind;
boy, you'll be leaving on a jet plane; &+ i wont know when you'll be back again <|3