

valentine's day is rapidly approaching. whoopdeefkndoo. i always hated valentine's day; bcuz somehow, my heart's always broken around this time. whether it's some HUGE fight or a break up or infidelity -- it's happened EVERY SINGLE TIME.

& because i started thinking about that; my day was completely shitty. COMPLETELY. SHITTY. so i figured i'd just call out all three guys that made a difference. not by name or anything. just by crimes committed.

dickhead #1) first heartbreak. ever. 8th grade :( but it also doesn't help that every once and a while he comes in and eats and we talk. i'm over it for suree.

jerkface #2) met him freshman year. liked him till he moved to washington. dated on and off for three years. i'd date other guys in-between and vice versa. he cheated on me w/a freshman ... but he had me wrapped around his finger. which is what i'm afraid of. he could say ANYTHING and i dunno how i'd react. but i guess it sucks even more that he wont even talk to me ... oh and he has some new girlfriend.

jackass #3) ONE YEAR. best friend. not too bad.