

why is everyone's intention to hurt me ? no, that's not fair. why is it that EVERYONE hurts me, whether on purpose or not ? today's a bad day already.

i woke up this morning and got dressed with intention to give my car a little TLC and go surprise tony. well the car didn't start. SO i was like, "well, i can just walk to go surprise him." & you know what ? HE WASN'T THERE. & isn't answering his phone. i really don't care now. SPEAK OF THE DEVIL, he just texted me. goodmorning to you too, asshole. & i still have to go to work tonight. should be LOVELY. & i might kill a bitch one of these days.

if you know i don't like someone, and you say you don't, why keep hanging out with them as soon as they ask ? it's not fair. i bust my ass while you go out with my enemies. that's awesome. you're awesome. FUCK YOU.

angelica <3
(by the way, that's not my car. that's the type; mine's just purple)