
miss (not so) charming;

i see the four week curse is turning out as it should.
EFF YOU. hahaha.

seriously? why wait to "confess" your feelings? Not that confessing would matter at this point because my heart is taken, and has been taken for a while now. if you feel something for me, tell me as soon as you figure it out; it's not like i wait for YOU in particular.

i wasn't waiting for him; in fact, i didn't even know he existed. but damn, now that it's coming along nicely, i don't know what i'd do if i didn't know he was out there.

crazy to say it, but i'm falling for him so fast ¬ thinking about a damn thing; no "what if" questions; no worries; nothing but all i got.

minor note: stay the fuck outta my life. I've done just fine without you for this long &will continue to. If you think you can just come back and things will be the same, you're fucking wrong. They're not &never will be. You had your chance, you fucked it up -- &now it's someone else's turn to undo what you did to me.




repent later ; :)


violating all my rules;

falling faster than ever before; not thinking before acting -- this is all wrong. but it feels like i don't give a damn. i'm usually very sensible when it comes to things like this; always overthinking the situation and making decisions based on my pessimistic mind -- but not this time &it feels like i'm flying at a hundred miles per hour into something i have no clue what it's all about.

and i like it.

but nothing scares me more than not thinking;
yet, it feels kinda sorta alright.

sentences of yours, are running throughout my head; searching for a chance to catch my breath <33